Meet Kip
Project Manager and Supervisor
They say I'm a 36 (in human) years old, female tabby cat. My aspirations are to catch the laser light on the wall.
Who is Kip?
Three Facts About Kip
I Don't Know How to Shut Up
Not an understatement! I talk (loudly) at the most inconvenient times (according to Dad). Just because I am short does not mean I can't have a big voice!
Jumping is for the Lower-class
I have trained my roommates well! Not only do they both make great sleeping spots, but their great for lifting me up. God may have given me a great jumping ability, but why do that when I can talk the roommates into simply picking me up instead.
I Knock Things Over
Got a cup that needs knocking over? I'm your girl! Maybe your mail on the counter needs shuffling - I'll happily shuffle it all on the ground free-of-charge!
Want to work with my Dad?
My Dad has been working in the cloud and online for over 10 years now. I'm happy to have him review it all!